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Pokémon GO Now Available in India and Other South Asian Countries

Pokémon GO update

Niantic recently announced that Pokemon Go is now available in India and other south Asian countries. The Pokemon Go app can now be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play in countries like Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, India and Bangladesh. Niantic has been working hard at bringing Pokemon Go to India for a while now, but according to the Pokemon Go website, had to resolve a few administrative issues before launching in the country.

Trainers in South Asia!

We’re excited to announce that you can now download and play Pokémon GO officially from the App Store and Google Play. As of today, Trainers living in India and other South Asian countries including Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh can download Pokémon GO and explore their neighborhoods in search of Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle and many other Pokémon!

To our Trainers in India – we appreciate your patience during the last few months while we worked on bringing Pokémon GO to your country. The Niantic team had to resolve a few administrative challenges before launching in order to ensure we could provide the best experience possible.

The time is now yours! Go out, explore, and find Pokémon in the real world!

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