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No Plans for Mass Effect: Andromeda on Nintendo Switch

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Speaking to Stevivor, Mass Effect Andromeda Producer Michael Gamble explained that BioWare doesn’t have any current plans to port the next entry in the Mass Effect series to the Nintendo Switch. “We’re not planning on it”, explains Gamble, “If the Switch launches and everyone’s just yammering for Mass Effect, who knows. We never want to close doors like that”. Mass Effect 3 did launch on the Wii U back in 2012, and was met with positive reviews by the media.


This latest Nintendo Switch game news also comes on the same day as other Switch game announcements. Rime, a once PS4 exclusive will be getting released on the Switch along with PC and Xbox One in May, while Atlus PR Manager announced that Persona 5 and Yakuza 0 would remain exclusives for the PlayStation platform. What are your thoughts? Would you like to see Mass Effect Andromeda released on the Nintendo Switch? Let us know using the comments below.